Create a React hook to add dark theme to your app

Posted on October 14, 2019·

Thanks to a recent evolution in mobile and desktop operating systems, it is more and more common for users to expect two UI themes for apps and websites: a light one and a dark one. In this article we’ll see how it is possible to offer two themes in your React application, using the one the user prefers by default. And get ready, we’ll talk about hooks and contexts 🚀.

TL;DR: the final source code is in this CodeSandbox. If you want to use this implementation in your project, have a look at this library I created: use-theme.

If you already know hooks and contexts, you can consider this as a challenge. We want to create a way to get and set a theme from a React component (using a hook, althought other ways are possible).

We’ll start with a simple App component. It will apply a CSS class on the body depending of the theme it got from a useBrowserTheme hook. To add a class to the body, we’ll use React Helmet.

// theme.js
export const useBrowserTheme = () => {
  return 'dark'
// app.js
const App = () => {
  const theme = useBrowserTheme()
  return (
        <body className={dark} />
/* style.css */
body.dark {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;

Let’s start our implementation. First we want to initialize the theme with the one that the browser provides.

Get the theme from the browser

Most browsers offer the way to know if the user prefers a light theme or a dark theme. For that, we’ll use window.matchMedia method, with a query on prefers-color-scheme attribute. It will return an object with a matches property.

For instance, if you type this command in your browser’s console, you should get true if you use a dark theme, false otherwise:

window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches

The returned object (a MediaQueryList we’ll name mql) will also be used to subscribe to theme changes (we’ll see that later), so let’s create a function to get it:

const getMql = () =>
  window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')

const getBrowserTheme = () => {
  const mql = getMql()
  return mql && mql.matches ? 'dark' : 'light'

Now we can update our useBrowserTheme hook to initialize the theme with getBrowserTheme:

export const useBrowserTheme = () => {
  return getBrowserTheme()

This version of the hook will work most of the time, but has a huge drawback. If you use server-side rendering (e.g. if you’re using it in a Gatsby website), it will crash since when the file is loaded there is no window object. Indeed, using window represents a side effect, that’s why it should be done using the useEffect (or componentDidMount for instance).

This is also the reason I declared getMql as a function, instead declaring the constant mql at the file root. This way we can rewrite our hook and trigger side effects only with the useEffect hook:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'

export const useBrowserTheme = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    if (theme === null) {
  }, [theme, setTheme])

  return theme

Now we got the theme from the browser when the page is loaded, let’s update it when it changes. This can occur when the user updates their browser settings, or even automatically at a given time if they configured the browser or OS that way.

Update the theme when browser’s theme changes

To be notified of the browser’s theme change, we can use our media query list returned by window.matchMedia (so our function getMql) to call its addListener method. Let’s define a onBrowserThemeChanged function, that will call the callback given as parameter each time the theme changes.

const onBrowserThemeChanged = (callback) => {
  const mql = getMql()
  const mqlListener = (e) => callback(e.matches ? 'dark' : 'light')
  mql && mql.addListener(mqlListener)
  return () => mql && mql.removeListener(mqlListener)

Notice that we return a function to remove the listener, following the same pattern as useEffect. Let’s update our hook:

useEffect(() => {
  if (theme === null) {
  return onBrowserThemeChanged(setTheme)
}, [theme, setTheme])

Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?

Add a switch to change theme

Now that we initialize the app’s theme from the browser’s one, and that we update it when the browser’s one changes, it would be nice to offer the user to be able to change it using a switch or any other way. Said differently, now that our hook returns the current theme, let’s make it return it a function to update it.

As a first implementation, we’ll just return the setTheme function (returned by useState):

export const useBrowserTheme = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(null)
  // ...
  return [theme, setTheme]

Our application can now display two buttons to update the app’s theme:

const App = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useBrowserTheme()
  const setDarkTheme = useCallback(() => setTheme('dark'), [setTheme])
  const setLightTheme = useCallback(() => setTheme('light'), [setTheme])
  return (
    // ...
      className={theme === 'dark' ? 'active' : ''}
      Dark theme
    </button>{' '}
      className={theme === 'light' ? 'active' : ''}
      Light theme

To simplify our App component, one thing we might want to do is to create a component ChangeThemeButton, giving it a theme as property (the one we want to be set when the button is clicked). But with our current implementation, we would have to give it the current theme and the function to update the theme as parameter. What if we want to display the button deeply in the component hierarchy?

We can improve our solution by using React’s contexts API, and the provider/consumer pattern. This way we could call our hook in any component we want, as long as it is mounted under a ThemeProvider component; the theme would be shared between all components, and update it from one component would update in in the entire app.

First we’ll define the context that will be shared all accross the app:

const ThemeContext = createContext()

Then we’ll convert our useBrowserTheme to a provider component, using ThemeContext.Provider:

export const ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(null)

  useEffect(/* ... */)

  return (
    theme && (
      <ThemeContext.Provider value={[theme, setTheme]}>

Notice that the value of the context is exactly what we want to return from our useBrowserTheme hook: an array with the theme as first value, and a function to set the theme as second value. So our useBrowserTheme hook will just be using our context:

export const useBrowserTheme = () => useContext(ThemeContext)

Now we’re ready to create a ChangeThemeButton that will use our hook:

const ChangeThemeButton = ({ children, newTheme }) => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useBrowserTheme()
  const changeTheme = useCallback(() => setTheme(newTheme), [
  return (
    <button className={theme === theme ? 'active' : ''} onClick={changeTheme}>

For it to work and use the shared theme, we have to wrap our app into a <ThemeProvider> component:

    <App />

If we created a component to display a button to change the theme, couldn’t we extract into another component the logic of adding a class on the body depending of the current theme? Sure we can:

const ThemeClassOnBody = () => {
  const [theme] = useBrowserTheme()
  return (
      <body className={theme} />

Our App component is much simpler, and doesn’t event use the useBrowserTheme hook anymore:

const App = () => (
    <ThemeClassOnBody />
    <div className="App">
        <ChangeThemeButton theme="dark">Dark theme</ChangeThemeButton>
        <ChangeThemeButton theme="light">Light theme</ChangeThemeButton>

Our implementation is almost complete. The user can switch between light and dark themes, but when they refresh the page, the browser’s theme is used back. Of course that can be pretty annoying.

Persist the selected theme

To persist the theme the user chooses, we’ll use browser’s local storage. If it doesn’t have a theme defined, we’ll use the browser’s one. As long at is defined in local storage, it will be always be used, as long as the browser’s theme doesn’t change. (We could imagine different rules, but I find it relevant to update the app theme when the browser theme changes, even if I choose the other theme previously.)

To read from and write to the local storage, let’s start by creating helpers:

const getLocalStorageTheme = () => {
  const localTheme = localStorage && localStorage.getItem('theme')
  if (localTheme && ['light', 'dark'].includes(localTheme)) {
    return localTheme

const setLocalStorageTheme = (theme) => {
  localStorage && localStorage.setItem('theme', theme)

The next thing to do in our ThemeProvider is first to write a function updateTheme that will be called in place of setTheme. This function will call setTheme, but also setLocalStorageTheme. And the second thing is to use getLocalStorageTheme when initializing the theme, in useEffect:

export const ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState(null)

  const updateTheme = useCallback(
    (newTheme) => {

  useEffect(() => {
    if (theme === null) {
      setTheme(getLocalStorageTheme() || getBrowserTheme())
    return onBrowserThemeChanged(updateTheme)
  }, [theme, setTheme])

  return (
    theme && (
      <ThemeContext.Provider value={[theme, updateTheme]}>

Everything works perfectly. I just want to update a little our provider. Let’s imagine we want to create a SwitchThemeButton component, that will set theme to dark if it was light, or to light if it was dark.

const SwitchThemeButton = ({ children }) => {
  const [, setTheme] = useBrowserTheme()
  const switchTheme = useCallback(() => {
    setTheme((theme) => (theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'))
  }, [setTheme])
  return <button onClick={switchTheme}>{children}</button>

To get the current theme when the button is clicked, we give a function as parameter to setTheme, as we would if we used useState. But this won’t work, since we have made it possible to give a function as parameter of our updateTheme function. This can be fixed easilly:

const updateTheme = useCallback(
  (newTheme) => {
    if (typeof newTheme === 'function') {
      setTheme((currentTheme) => {
        const actualNewTheme = newTheme(currentTheme)
        return actualNewTheme
    } else {

Our implementation is complete!

The complete source code is available on this CodeSandbox, and if you want to add this theming feature to your app or website, you can also check this small use-theme library I created to use it on my blog.

Cover photo by Benjamin Voros.

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