I wrote several books in the past and might write some others in the future.
- 📘 Pull Requests and Code Review: Best Practices for Developers, from Junior to Team Lead (2023)Unlock the secrets to masterful pull requests and collaborative code reviews with practical insights from years of experience, all packed in one comprehensive guide!
- 📘 Serverless Web Applications with React and Next.js (2022)A short guide to using Next.js to create full-stack applications with React, enjoying serverless features to authenticate users and use databases.
- 📘 Create your Net Worth Tracker with Kotlin (2022)I wrote a book about Kotlin to document what I learned when I discovered the language.
- 📘 A Guide to React Hooks (2021)A book I made with the content of my interactive course
- 📘 React: Développez le Front End de vos applications web et mobiles (…) (2020)A book in French teaching React to beginners.
- 📘 Découvrez Node.js en quelques heures (2018)A book in French teaching Node.js to beginners.