A Guide to React Hooks

Published in 2021

👉 This guide hasn't been updated for a while, therefore I decided to make it free!

After a long time trying to figure out how hooks work, you finally understand that nobody gets the full picture. You’ve seen several ‘How-to-use-react-hooks’ articles, but they all contradict each other, and you still can’t see the big picture.

You feel like something is wrong in your head – like you need to go to a hardware shop and buy bigger RAM or maybe just simpler plugs.

Learn more about the different ways you can use hooks to take your React application development experience to the next level. This new way of writing React components will make your code cleaner and more comfortable to test!

This eBook contains the content of my course about React hooks available at useEffect.dev.

If you prefer reading lessons in your browser, with interactive examples and exercises, you can purchase access to the course there. The PDF eBook is included in the Premium plan.

But if you only want to purchase the eBook and read it offline, on your cell or e-reader, you are at the right place!

What will I find in the book?

The course contains 14 lessons, each divided into small sub-lessons, from the basics to solving tricky problems.

Here is the book’s table of contents:

  • 1. Store a local state with useState
  • 2. Trigger side effects with useEffect
  • 3. Custom hooks and classic async pattern
  • 4. What are hooks anyway?
  • 5. Debugging hooks
  • 6. Get the current state when dealing with async code
  • 7. Solving infinite loops when using useEffect
  • 8. Optimizing performance with useMemo and useCallback
  • 9. Debouncing a user input
  • 10. Using contexts to share values between components
  • 11. Simplify state update logic with reducers
  • 12. Custom hooks to use the browser’s APIs
  • 13. From render-props and high-order components to hooks
  • 14. Better hooks with TypeScript

Hi! I’m Sebastien Castiel 👋

I’m a French developer expatriated in Montreal.

I have used React for several years now and hooks for the last two years on several projects.